3rd Class
What a wonderful end to a very busy but rewarding year. We had many adventures in 3rd class, but the highlight in the last week was our school trip to Fort Lucan! We had a great day, despite the rain! All the teachers, SNAs and children really enjoyed the day. We have included some photos to show you, we hope you like them.
We also just finished our mini leagues in Football this morning, all the players did an excellent job but the overall winners were France, with it going to a penalty shoot out. Everybody did a fantastic job. We have also included a picture from Sports Day.
We also had staff in from TU Dublin, Grangegorman who worked with us on our maths skills 'Happy Maths'. There was great competition in the classroom over the past six weeks, and it ended on a very happy note last Thursday with all of the winners getting certificates and prizes.
We hope you have a lovely summer break. Go n-éirí an bóthar libh!
Ms. Lawton.