Mr. McCluskey's Class
We've had an incredibly busy start to 3rd Class this year. The students have been hard at work and have produced some amazing results in just a few weeks.
They wrote information reports on a topic they are an 'expert' in, which saw a wide variety of topics covered from Gymnastics to Dogs. One student was even generous enough to write a report to help Mr McCluskey learn about Hurling!
They also took on the enormous task of counting EVERY counting block in the ENTIRE school!! They split into groups and bundled each
block into groups of tens and hundreds (to make the counting easier) then calculated how many blocks the school has. They then represented their findings as visual graphs, amazing work!
What's really got everyone excited is taking part in the STEPS Young Engineers Competition for 2024. Students have grouped together to come up with problems in our community that need solving. They will be planning a way to solve this problem and coming up with an invention to address it. They will then use recycled materials to create a prototype of their idea. So far we've had ideas such as solar powered electro-magnetic rails that pull the trains along, robotic cleaners that will ensure our canals stay pollution free, and a shopping center powered by solar and wind energy.
It's been so exciting watching these brilliant students at work, we can't wait to see what they come up with next!
T McCluskey
